Saturday, April 20, 2013

Sustainable Agriculture and our "GOOD LIFE BOOTH"

Friends and Family,

We have spent a lot of energy and interest in organic gardens, promotion of nutritional food, reality of hunger in our midst, malnourished infants and children.   The Clinic has two demonstrative gardens; these gardens are used to teach and also for sharing the harvest, with malnourished children, in our nutrition project.  We do not have many answers but we realize we cannot deny the reality around us and have to look for solutions and organize.

We began to look to the EARTH for some answers a few years ago. Our interest and project of sustainable agriculture continues to grow and gain more interest.  We hope to soon form an ASSOCIATION, "LA MAXEÑA".  The center of the HUB will be our representatives of the Clinica Maxeña, of Sustainable Agriculture.  Others we hope will come from at least four other communities.  We have invited men of the fields, through our Pastoral Social Ministry, of the villages.  The objective will be to plant more family and community gardens and to work together in each others gardens to form solidarity. It is not religion based project, however, "ALL ARE WELCOME".

We also are pleased that our small booth, constructed from BAMBOO, is an effective voice to adervise our IDEAS and HOPES! "BUEN VIVIR", "GOOD LIFE".  This booth is located in front of the Clinic.  Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, clinic leaders share themes of good health and nutrition.  We have had campus Ministry students from the University assist us to clear a plot of land and prepare for planting in a nearby village.  This small piece of communal land was loaned to us by one of the Clinic Workers.

We will hear reports next week, in our general Clinic meeting, of workshops of sustainable agriculture attended by three workers.  "Together we can, change our world"