Friends and family,
Here in the Clinica Maxeña, the care of the ENVIRONMENT, is a major concern in our preventive health program. We are aware of the value and importance of TREES. Deforestation with lumber mills and also forest fires, and chopping trees down for fire wood is a major concern. Our Mission topped trees for safety this past week; many heavy branches were hanging over our road into town, over some of our buildings, while others were with disease. Branches, with the heavy wind, have fallen on our electrical wires and on top of one building, damaging the roof.
Our environmental project for ONIL STOVES cuts the use of fire wood to minimal quantities. As the photo demonstrates, our Clinic now has a lot of firewood available. We will share our bounty with the most poor. Firewood is expensive to buy; most families will go out into to wooded areas and pick up branches, especially the elderly. There are no electrical or gas stoves in the villages. More and More families have ONIL STOVES thanks to the generosity of many. If you can donate an ONIL STOVE to a poor family, it costs just 100. dollars. Our Clinic regularly raffles Onil Stoves and also donates them to the most needy. THANK YOU FOR PRAYERS AND GENEROSITY to our work in the Clinica Maxeña and to the ONIL STOVE PROJECT!!!!
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