This is an update on my little sick child, Feliza, who I wrote about in my last blog.
Feliza is now in the Roosevelt Hospital in Guatemala City. Admitting patients to this hospital, which is the largest in the country, is often difficult if not impossible. Usually they are transferred and referred by National hospitals in the different regions of the country. Many of patients in our region do not go to these hospitals for lack of confidence and the reality that care is inadequate and there is little support system for the indian culture and language.
Feliza was not improving and the reality, that even with all the lab and diagnostic tests done, the doctors we consulted were not sure of the exact source of her illness. We are fortunate to have a contact and friendship of a doctor in the city, who works in the Cancer Hospital for children, adjacent to the ROOSEVELT HOSPITAL. She suggested that we bring her to the Cancer Hospital and she would consult a Friend Pediatrician at the Roosevelt to admit Feliza. Again this contact proved very fruitful for us. As this doctor from Roosevelt, a Pediatric Surgeon, worked for us in the seventies, when he was a Med student. He was very concerned and committed to the care of Feliza. He also agreed to help us with another child we have been trying to admit to Roosevelt Hospital for surgery for six months. He accompanied us directly to the Emergency of Pediatrics and gave instructions to the residents to admit Feliza to his ward. This process took six hours and yet we still left the father with Feliza in the emergency room when we headed for the Mission so to return before dark. The father could stay during the day with Feliza and the hospital provides a bed and meals in a temporary house near the hospital for him. I left a clinic cell phone with him so we could communicate daily with him.
The day before when Feliza was in the clinic she started to cry. I thought she had pain and when I asked her what was wrong; she said, "I want a pair of shoes". Her parents were surprised at her request and laughed. I sat down with her and asked her what kind of shoes did she want. She said, I want "TACONES", which is spanish for hi heels. Her little feet were swollen from her illness. I bought her instead furry mouse slippers which made her happy. I promised when she was well I would get her the heels which many young indian girls wear at school. Feliza is in the fifth grade in her community, and despite her illness she continued to go to school until the teacher sent her to a doctor at a government clinic who then sent her to us.
The Bishop of the Diocese of the mountainous area we serve was here the night before we decided to take her to the city. He prayed with her and her dad and blessed her. I ask you to also remember Feliza in your prayers.