The story of Feliza is reality for the POOR. I succeeded in getting her admitted to the largest government hospital in Guatemala City and where I thought she would be quickly attended to. REALITY CHECK! Very little attention has been given to this acutely ill child. Her father is at her bedside from 8am to 5pm. They only allow mothers to stay during night and she had to stay with her other children and also would be afraid to be in the city.
The biggest obstacle has been, that the pediatric surgeon who so kindly assisted me in getting her admitted to his care, has not yet seen her on the ward. All the preliminary exams never arrived to the ward where she is a patient. It is now five days. The Resident doctors insist they did not have access to them. These exams were expensive diagnostic tests that we had done and that are vital for her care. Her father, Antonio, talks to us daily several times with the clinic cell phone we left with him. Saturday he sounded desperate and he related that her condition was failing and nothing was being done. I made an emergency trip to the city to see her on Sunday. I could not retrieve the diagnostic tests as they were left in the adjacent clinic with the doctor who got us the reference with the Pediatrician. It was Sunday but at least I could confirm to the residents that these reports were in Guatemala City and I would see that they arrive to the ward. I also could comfort the father and encourage patience through the person who accompanied me and who could speak the Indian dialect. I did call the Pediatric Surgeon, a bit evasive, but assured me that he would be doing a biopsy for definite diagnosis and not to worry. I sent a clinic person to the hospital today and he also retrieved the diagnostic tests that were still with the othe doctor in another hospital! It has been five days!! He was able to visit the Social Worker and assure that the father could stay in the temporary house near the hospital without charge. One night the father was not given a bed and he had to stay in a cheap room in a not too safe area of the city. He stayed on the floor in a room with three other men he did not know but said he felt safer than if on the street. The cost of the room was less than a dollar.
Feliza does seem to be eating better and though she has received little medication her feet were less swollen and she had minimal fever but still pain and ascities. I returned home frustrated but at peace that she did not seem to be dying and it seemed for now the best place to be for a more certain diagnosis.
Again Feliza needs prayers, a lttle miracle and an ANGEL!!