March 8 is celebrated globally as International Day of the WOMAN! In different regions of the world there are different focuses. Since the signing of the Guatemalan Peace Accords in 1996, the woman has been more visible and vocal for her Rights! Most important for the guatemalan woman is a Life free of Violence! In 2009there were over 700 assasinations of women, mostly in Guatemala City. Domestic violence is also frequent and violent but now the woman is more courageous to denounce and persue her rights in court. There exists a national Organization in Defense of the woman´s Rights but there is much yet to accomplished to have a more just world for women in Guatemala.
The Clinica Maxeña has 10 female workers out of a total of 30 workers. They have a small organization that has meetings and now are planning speakers or themes during the monthly general meeting of clinic workers. On March 8th there was a small celebration in honor of the women workers. Music, comments on the role of women by a few workers, cake, and a small gifts were part of the celebration. The male workers of the clinic hosted the celebration. As always, for celebration of International days, a large banner was made by the Clinica Maxeña with the United Nations theme and will remain visible for the month. The International theme for Women is
Blessing and Peace to all women in the WORLD!!!