Friends and Family,
This week continues very busy following a very successful week with eye surgeries with a visiting volunteer Opthamology team of doctors and nurses from California and Montana.
Monday arrived our Mission Director and two other visitors of the Diocese of Helena, Montana and three Engineers with the organization, Engineers without Borders. Two other engineers are already at the mission, Monty Giles and Pat Vaughn; Monty originally from Hamilton MT and a frequent volunteer and friend of the mission and his wife Tracy. Pat, also from Hamilton, has come previously to the mission and with Monty, are repairing needed electrical changes in the church. Monty and Pat have also done extensive water and electrical repair in the Clinic, which enables the clinic to function more efficiently. The Engineers without borders are working on water issues in the school of the Mission. It is important for us to take time out from our schedules to host these visitors. Thank you Dan, Grant and Kurt. We are a TEAM of many and from many different occupations, and regions of the country, who make our work possible and more successful.
Our Mission was established in 1963 by the Catholic Diocese of Helena, MT. We have witnessed many changes in the peoples lives, especially in education and health. We cannot resolve the violence, poverty, and injustice that surrounds us. We are CALLED to SERVE!
The BISHOPS of GUATEMALA recently published a Pastoral Letter, entitled "CONSTRUCT IN JUSTICE; INSPIRED BY GOD". This Pastoral Letter is an extensive analysis of the present situation and call to all Guatemalans to moral conversion, sustained by FAITH. We as people of MISSION are an integral part of this Call of accompaniement in this journey of HOPE to a more just, and dignified life for all!
Thank You for your Love and Prayers for all Guatemalans, and for your Financial Support of our work.
You can read more of our work on the web site under the title, GUATEMALA MISSION.
Love Sheila