Family and Friends,
Greetings again from the Clinica Maxeña. The last week has been unusually busy. Dr Ever has been seeing more people than usual. He is a very good doctor and we are pleased that he is the Medical director of the Clinic. He and his wife Gloria have four children and they have built their home about 15 minutes from the Clinic in the agrarian community of Chocola. He has a private clinic in town that is open for a few hours in the evening. People seek him out also in his home. Thus he occassionally commits to deliver babies, as it is one of his joys in Medicine.
Maura was expected to deliver the weekend but she did not. Doctor Ever brought her to the clinic on Monday so he could keep his committment of Clinic hours. One of our auxiliary nurses was staying with her and also her aunt, a midwife was present as Ever began consult with the other patients. A few hours passed and he would go out to our small in patient area to check her. I was in my office near by.
The baby´s cry of arrival was a surprise as Ever came running out of his clinic, smiling, and I from the office. A little boy had come into the world into the capable hands of his aunt, the midwife.
Although there are now more women who deliver in the National Hospital than previously, having a midwife, is the norm for Mayan women. The National Health system is finally acknowledging this reality but minimally. When women arrive to the hospital, as an emergency, the midwives are not allowed into the hospital to be with the woman.
The midwives are not given any help in obtaining equipment from the ministry of health to make their vocation more safe and easier for their patients. Now there are classes provided in some areas for the midwives by the local government health centers in communities but their culture is not acknowledged. Most of the midwives of the mountain villages would not understand adequately spanish so they are quickly eliminated from these possibilities of education and recognition.
Health Care reform is vital to ensure safer Maternal Health for the mayan indigenous population. The Presidential election campaigns are just beginning in Guatemala. There is always hope that change will happen, that responsible, capable, honest leaders will step forward.
The Bishops of Guatemala just published a Pastoral Letter "Construct in Justice, inspired by GOD" addressing realites of human development and individuals contributing to the creation of a better environment to live, based on FAITH. Continue to pray for JUSTICE AND PEACE in Guatemala.
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