Saturday, March 31, 2012

Holy Week Approaches

Friends and family,

I have not sat to write much of happenings about us. We are very busy with patients. They seem to plan the day. Our sustainable agriculture project is progressing about us. Some of our workers are doing a lot on their own time. Yesterday one of workers left work to go home and deliver ten little piggies. A few others also have pigs, chickens, and corn fields and vegetables to help supplement their own incomes. They help set good example for neighbors and friends. Five workers formed an association and high up in the mountains they have vegetables, herbs, corn and today were to plant some fish in a pond they have created. In our own Mission grounds last week mothers of malnourished children attended class and worked in the garden, planting radishes and cauliflower.

Yesterday was Palm sunday and the beginning of Holy Week. Processions are every day now with the stations during Holy Week. A beautiful dramatization of the passion and crucifixion happens in towns all throughout the country.

It is raining early which helps our harvest of our garden. We will put a booth up near our Clinic during the Eye Brigade surgeries and sell our nutritious drink and other snacks. We will make tortillas on an ONIL STOVE and promote the stove and raffle two. We are also donating them to poor widows and will also be gifting them through our Nutrition program. We hope also to sell patties of a local herb between two tortillas and chat with the public of the importance of organic vegetables and sustainable agriculture. We have signed up over fifty patients daily from surrounding communities for our Eye Brigade team from Montana and California.

Thank You for your presence in our Lives and HAPPY EASTER!

I attach a few photos; one of the procession in town on Palm Sunday; the mothers of malnourished children planting veggies, and our own Pharmacist promoter after delivering his ten piggies. He also had a baby daughter last week so he is a happy man. We all have many blessings in our lives.

Love Sheila and all, from the Clinica Maxeña.
CoCo also sends greetings for Easter.
Love Sheila