Monday, May 17, 2010


Good Morning friends and family,

This past week, following a repeat X Ray and approval of the Orthopedic specialist in near by hospital, our 85 year old patient, Maria, began to learn to walk again. It has been almost three months since Maria fell and suffered a severe compound fracture of her femur. She has stayed in our clinic and we hired a auxiliary nurse to tend to her needs. Members of our parish visited her frequently bringing smiles, juices and bananas.

Manuela, our hospice in patient with AIDS, went peacefully home to her GOD! Her father, Cruz, worked many years with the clinic in its beginnings. We were happy to be able to accompany him and family in this journey. This Friday celebrates solidarity for Human Rights for persons with VIH/AIDS and prayers for those who have died from this disease. There will be ecumenical religious services with candle light in many churches in Guatemala on this day. Pastoral Health of the Clinica Maxeña will also commemorate with candles in the chapel of the local cemetery and in our parish church. We will especially remember Manuela and her family on this day.

Malnourished children continue to come daily to our clinic requesting milk and protein supplements. Our coffers are low so your support is greatly appreciated. Dengue and Typhoid cases are very prevalent all around us now so this again is emergency care for the poor, who do not have economic possibilities to pay for thier services.