Saturday, May 14, 2011

Libby MT Rotarians continue their struggle to bring WATER to two communities!

This past week five members of the Rotary Club of Libby, MT made their third journey to Guatemala to assure that their WATER PROJECT for two communities will become reality. This has been a three year struggle to complete requisites and responsibilities in order to begin the project. Both these Mayan Indigenous communities do have water access but increase in population, heavy storms have damaged and decreased access of this precious gift of nature. The origins of the water are rivers that flow from the top of the Volcanoe PECUL! The forest that surrounds these sources of water are vital for the preservation of this sacred element of "WATER"! Since it is a Rotarian project a Guatemalan Rotary Club must accept responsibility to supervise the project and assure that the paper work and financial agreement is completed. George and Linda, Gary and Kate, and Eileen represented the Montana Libby Rotary Club; this club raised thousands of dollars and recieved support from other national clubs for this project! THANKS for your dedication and persistence. Thanks also the the Rotary Club of Matzatenango, Guatemala whom have accepted this committment!! The Clinica Maxena is the facilitator for the project and translator for these Quiche Mayan speaking communities. Thank You also to David, the Guatemalan Engineer who is responsible for a successful conclusion and to Chico, clinic representative and facilitator. We await in the near future to celebrate the completion of this project!! and Celebration of JOY for the communities who will have the water they need for their future and that of their children's children.

THE UNITED NATIONS have proclaimed water as a HUMAN RIGHT! We all have responsibility to participate in preserving and making accessible WATER for all!

Included a Photo of Libby, Montana Rotarians: George and Linda Gerard, Gary and Kate Huntsberger and Eileen Carney. Also Photo taken near the present inadequate water tank and tubing in the Community of San Juan Mazza with members of the Clinica Maxena and representatives of the community.