Sunday, May 29, 2011


Friends and Family!
May comes to an end. Here in Guatemala and in our faith tradition, it is the month of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and also the Month honoring our own mothers. The youth of our parish waited until tonite to honor the mothers in the parish! Mothers filled our meeting space! There was music, entertainment, laughter, gifts and food. The youth honored them in style. It is special, that throughout the month of May, there are many public celebrations by schools, communities, and churches for mothers. These are special days for them as most mothers would not expect gifts because of the poverty that exists but being honored for their vocation of motherhood is important in all societies.

My MOM always said, "BE GOOD TO MOM YOU WILL MISS ME WHEN I AM GONE! and I DO!!! Tomorrow is the last day of the Month of MAY and I hope all MOM'S know they are loved and how special they are in our lives.

Enclosed a photo of one of the youths singing to the MOTHERS!