Sunday, July 3, 2011

Clinica Maxeña commemorates World day of ENVIRONMENT!

Friends and Family,
Internationally, June 5th is proclaimed, by the United Nations, as World Day of the Environment. The clinic came together this last week to reflect on what we are doing and not doing as a Health Institution to SAVE THE PLANET! The enviromental team of health workers for the clinic prepared an exposition to share with the Public. The exposition is in our meeting room and will be available for the Public during the Month of July; clinic workers came together as our Pastoral Health and the first group to reflect on these ideas.

They expressed their thoughts and committments on changes they want so to bring about a better world to live in for themselves and generations to come.
-Share information with my family, friends, and neighbors
-Optimally use firewood, gas, water, and electricty
-Do not accept plastic bags at the time of purchase! Use a Clinica Maxeña Recycle Bag!
-Plant a tree! Reforestar
-Do not use sterifoam and other disposable items that contaminate the environment
-Share information of this theme with teachers, committees and community leaders!


I attatch some photos of our Day of the Environment in the Clinica Maxeña!
Our banner for World Environment Day with the Environmental Exposition in our meeting place.
CHICO AND GIOVANI silk screening our contribution to recycle bag with clinic emblem
and message to not use plastic bags!